KCLU's Lance Orozco sits down to discuss the Free Clinic of Simi Valley's 50th Anniversary with Free Clinic Executive Director, Fred Bauermeister. Transcript:
Lance Orozco (LO): Stan Frgacic was having a tough time. The simi valley man was hit by the loss of his job and his divorce which left him squeezed financially. Stan Frgacic (SF): I found myself out of a job. I found myself without insurance and I was on medication. I was on a statin for cholesterol. I was just like, you know what, I can't afford health insurance on my own. It's just way too expensive. I was just like [being] between a rock and a hard place. LO: There was a clinic in his neighborhood. It was the Free Clinic of Simi Valley. He wondered maybe it could help.